Solder Paste Inspection Equipment

ASC International is your Global supplier of 3D Solder Paste Inspection Equipment. Check out our full line of 3D SPI equipment to see how we can increase your production yields and overall product quality through a strategic implementation of ASC’s many unique 3D Solder Paste Inspection solutions. Contact ASC International or a dealer near you for a live onsite demo of our 3D Solder Paste Inspection systems.
Fusion 3D SPI Cropped removebg preview SMT & SPI - Automated AOI

LineMaster Fusion

Inline 3D SPI


VisionPro HSI White SMT & SPI - Automated AOI

VisionPro HSI

High Speed Offline SPI

VisionPro HSI White SMT & SPI - Automated AOI

VisionPro DMI

Offline Dual Mode AOI-SPI

vision pro m300 main SMT & SPI - Automated AOI

VisionPro AP500

Automated Offline SPI

display visionpro sp3d SMT & SPI - Automated AOI

VisionPro M Series

Affordable Offline SPI